
Wind power, Metro and refineries will spur demand

At present, demand for cranes is mixed. The cranes which are engaged with RIL Jamnagar for the past 2-3 years are gradually de-hiring and majority of them are getting engaged in windmill segment. Demand from other segments like thermal power, steel, cement, infrastructure, refinery etc is subdued.

Krishnapatnam Port handles windmill cargo

The Motor Vessel Combi Dock I? of Gamesa Renewable has arrived recently at Krishnapatnam Port with huge size wind mill project cargo. Krishnapatnam Port has a dedicated berth to handle Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC) and can bear the capacity of 12 MT per sq m, the highest for any berth in any port in India.

Port handles windmill cargo

The Motor Vessel Combi Dock I? of Gamesa Renewable has arrived recently at Krishnapatnam Port with huge size wind mill project cargo. Krishnapatnam Port has a dedicated berth to handle Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC) and can bear the capacity of 12 MT per sq m, the highest for any berth in any port in India.

Krishnapatnam Port handles windmill cargo

The Motor Vessel Combi Dock I? of Gamesa Renewable has arrived recently at Krishnapatnam Port with huge size wind mill project cargo. Krishnapatnam Port has a dedicated berth to handle Over Dimensional Cargo (ODC) and can bear the capacity of 12 MT per sq m, the highest for any berth in any port in India.